geez louise i love the weekend. i am pretty tragic at documenting the actual things I do here, not just the things I learn.

the things i do a lot of spill food on my clothes {direct example - sushi today, oranges today, basically-everything-i-ate-today) and go to the beach. wow outrageous but seriously todays beach was one of the prettiest things I've ever seen, well at least in awhile.

I should sweep the floor because there IS a monster under our beds and its called "the long black" [hair]
But instead I'm going to nurse my sunburn, contemplate writing something of substance, possibly read a book, definitely return several books to their owners and give Saturday some sweet loving. Tonight we have some time with our Africa team which will be splendid considering I never spend anytime with them. OH wait but I will.

In other news, my most delightful best friend, the one and only Kelly Sue Browne completed my birthday gifts with a package from hong kong to tame my mane. She knows me so very well and I do not know I would remain happy and smiling and laughing and sane and strong and motivated and inspired and directed and courageous without her. She's the most generous person I've ever met in the entire world [besides the rest of her family] and if there was one person I'd pick to be here with me, it'd be her. [oh shoosh the rest of you come a very close second]

That finished off my Friday. Friday also contained a trip to the pier with all the girls from my school to play on paddle boards and kyaks. So delightful and fun. I couldn't love the ocean more if I tried. Really I'll try harder.

Oh sweet Saturday. Your very good to me.


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