i cant believe yesterday i just wrote
'keep in simple'
because today couldn't have felt less simple if it tried. i feel like a week happened in the last 16 hours.

it began with coffee as all days should. and funnily enough its ending with coffee too.

i am as guilty as anyone else for criticizing ywam and brushing it off as some expensive self-help programme that leaves you without much more than a good "jesus" experience.

today was a day I ate egg salad, tacos and my previous words.

i find it hard to write about it properly so that you are engaged and not just walking away with the phrase "oh yeh Dani's havin a sweet time at YWAM" echoing around. this campus has so much creative, intellectual, inspiring, encouraging, community changing things happening. Some people refer to this as a "christian-bubble" which in some ways it is but I feel like I've been popped into this creative incubator. my hands can't keep up with all the things I want to write down, my mind is leaking out my ears from so much information and skills I learnt many moons ago are becoming so useful.

For example... who knew that years of real estate conversations with plumbers regarding guttering, toilet S pipes, sink pipes, drainage systems would result in me being able to contribute and understand some of the information we are learning in our 'Water 4 Life' class where we are literally learning to take some newspaper, pvc pipe, water and dirt to make clay and create huge tanks, ovens that will capture heat as opposed to working over an open flame. I'll get down to our outdoor classroom and take some photos of the tanks etc. we will be learning to create over this class.

Who knew that years of speech and drama training would actually help me write and assist with interviewing persons of influence around this campus so that we as a Justice Discipleship School can create even just a little footprint with the things we have learnt rather than just walking away with a selfish mindset of the things we have learnt. Who knew learning slow diction and pronunciation would help me, help my lovely Korean and Chinese roomates. [whom by the way I admire more than anything, they strive more than any of us to understand our lectures and then they come back to our room, make some coffee and stay awake for hours translating, discussing, attempting to pronounce, wanting help understanding, writing so that they can ' keep up ' ]

This has just been a giant spill of some of the things spinning around my brain.
Oh how I want to write things to assist in making a difference.
Oh how I want true creativity to be expanded so that we can make a long-term affect on all our worlds.

Thanks for listening to my entrails those of you who do.


  1. this is so great dani. it is always lovely to hear your thoughts. I know i am often commenting here and saying similar things, but am an so encouraged by your thoughts and hearing of your experiences.

    i am so excited for you!!!

  2. kim. im just glad you...and mum read it! haha. love yaaaaaaaa

  3. hahaha well I read it to.

    and I thought it was amazing.
    perhaps nothing is wasted..


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