A few people have asked about my school speakers and to explain what that is, if you are unsure, every discipleship training school has guest speakers that take the lectures every week. They are sometimes campus/onsite staff or come in solely to speak for that week. The details below are for the morning lectures only. Afternoon classes will focus on other things including the water purification, the healthcare aspect etc.

Week 1. “Heart of the Father” – Ben Nonoa
Week 2. “Holy Spirit/Hearing God’s Voice” – Amy Sollers
Week 3. “Nature and Character” – Trent & Tre Sheppard
Week 4. “Fear of the Lord” – Matt Rawlins
Week 5. “Spiritual Gifts” – Craig & Connie Kline
Week 6. “The Power of the Word” – Don Gillman
Week 7. “The Cost of Discipleship” – Jeremy West
Week 8. “Missions” – Dan Baumann
Week 9. “YWAM 50th Celebration” – TBA
Week 10. “Biblical Worldview” – Garth Gustafson
Week 11. Departure Week (for our outreach locations …not Australia yet!)

I'll let you all know more about these as I find out more myself.


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