tonight was parents night at camp. every week we host a parents night where we show the parents "life in the day of camp" ....its always such a fun night. we do some some songs and crazy skits...the kids say their verses and we get to meet their parents or grandparents or whoever. i have had some really cute girls on my team this week, a big change from my all boys team last week. one of the girls on my team looks like lindsay lohan from the parent trap - and anyone who knows me knows how much I love the parent trap! I have really bonded with one kid on my team this week, she lives with her grandma and it a total crack up. we took all the kids to McDonalds and she was telling me about how her grandma and her grandma's friend Dorris always steal her fries. she has had such a rough life for a little grom, she's only 11. Was very sad to say goodbye to her in particular.
This week has been a verrrrrry long and tiring so am looking forward to the weekend. need to kick back in the sun, play some bball, and not do much else. OH and this week due to mucho frustrationo with my head of curl I cut a lot of it and a dye job gone wrong turned me into a temporary wranga. very funny and a shout out to T-boz and favorite wrangs out there.


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