wanted to share an email I received from some friends of mine who have recently returned to Togo, West Africa were together we spent three months from December 2010 - March 2011. I grew very attached to a little munchkin called Blandine and miss her A LOT. Orphans ... children in general have such tough lives in Togo. 
They are constantly on my mind. In a few weeks our family will be cleaning out our hidden treasure and 10% from our garage sale will be sent over to this orphanage named "House of Joy."
If your into praying .... pray with me ok?
"....Blandine is doing good! She was very happy so see us, but they have
all asked about you. Nickaboo and Ali wanted me to write you a note
for you and send it to you but is is on the other computer. But I
will send it when I have the different computer. It was really sweet.
Ali has lost weight, he told me that he had been very sick. Nikaboo
is well.... The children at the orphanage are good. 

I am concerned for Shalom. He is more withdrawn, secluded and does not respond much to physical touch. He has been tramatized and you are seeing some effects of that so please pray for him. Agusta has another little girl her name is Gracia she
just turned 4. 

We are also helping with the family next door in which we have found out that the girl there 12 years old is being prostituted, and abused by 2 other men at the same time. So many needs here for the children. Please pray for her, her name is Amy. She was almost beat to the point of needing hospitalization yesterday
due to making bad grades at school. We have been talking to the
parents and working with them. Pray for this.."


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